COBERTURA JEONJU 2012 – Ex Press (Jet Leyco) (SPA)

para desistfilm: Mónica Delgado. El Festival Internacional de cine de Jeonju (JIFF) es uno de los espacios en Asia más importantes para la difusión del cine independiente y experimental de todo el mundo. Que una cinta como Ex Press del filipino Jet Leyco obtuviera el premio especial del Jurado en su última edición no solo es … Continue reading

JIFF 2012 COVERAGE – Early Spring, Gyeongju (Park In-kyong)

for desistfilm: Blue Un-Sok Kim The city of Gyeongju holds a special place in the collective psyche of the Korean people. As the former capital of the ancient Korean kingdom of Silla, the city is referred to as a “museum without walls”. Unlike most historical treasures of Korea that faced destruction during its turbulent history, … Continue reading

JIFF 2012 CORRISPONDENZA – Ankor Wat di Park Sang-hun (ITA)

per desistfilm: Narda Liotine Il pellegrinaggio presso le rovine di un santuario buddhista non sembra essere una buona idea se nel percorso si fa crollare un monticello di sassolini la cui solidità porterebbe buona sorte. Con questo momento di comicità si apre una storia dalla natura in verità tragica. Si arguisce subito come le interazioni … Continue reading

JIFF 2012 CORRISPONDENZA – The arrival di Sin Yiee-soo (ITA)

per desistfilm: Narda Liotine Una sequenza di scene apparentemente giustapposte: la cucina di un ristorante, un karaoke, una povera camera d’affitto. Il nostro punto di vista, quello dello spettatore è dell’ignoranza, osservando  gli eventi senza conoscerne il nesso, mentre si susseguono uno dopo l’altro. Love will tear us apart. L’amore ci dividerà. Più probabilmente la … Continue reading

JIFF 2012 COVERAGE – Tree or Wood by Lee Eun-Joo

for desistfilm: Catherine Jessica Beed Lee Eun-Joo‘s short is a curious attempt to arrange a dichotomy between the transient beauty of nature in all its abstractions and the artificiality of manufactured objects. As a brief dialogue between the lateral abstract images of wood and foliage and the composition of sound, close-up controlled shots of trees … Continue reading


Sleepless nights (Jang Jun-Jae) Korean Film Competition:  Grand Prize & JIFF Audience Award: Sleepless Night by Jang Kun-Jae Audience Critics’ Award: Without Father by Kim Eung-Su Jury: NIKLAS ENGSTRØM, JANG HOON, GERWIN TAMSMA International Competition Awards: Woosuk Award / Grand Prize: Summer of Giacomo by Alessandro Comodin Special Jury Prize: Ex Press by Jet Leyco … Continue reading

JIFF 2012 Coverage – Morning Glory (Whang Cheol-Mean)

For desistfilm: John A. Riley Hyun-Jun is an actor, specialising in musical theatre. He is given an opportunity to study acting in America, but before venturing abroad, he returns to the small village where he grew up. Once there he re-kindles his acquaintance with his beautiful cousin So-yeon, acquaintance quickly turning to Romantic desire. Hyun-Jun’s … Continue reading


for desistfilm: Narda Liotine To say cinema is a matter of movement tout court is something I personally don’t agree with: To experience film format as a big canvas should imply that one is able to explore every single fragment of a reel and contemplate their unique beauty.  Since Joris Ivens’ the notion of individualization … Continue reading


per desistfilm: Narda Liotine Non credo che il cinema sia una questione di movimento tout court. Se si guarda ad esso come ad una tela di grandi dimensioni si può distinguere ogni singolo frammento di cui è composta e contemplare la bellezza piena di ognuno di essi. Per qualche ragione il movimento dell’acqua mette in … Continue reading

JIFF 2012 COVERAGE – Without Father (Kim Eung-Su)

for desistfilm: John A. Riley Watching an East Asian film, the Anglophone, Euro-Americo-centric viewer comes face to face with an at-first pressing dilemma: whether to incorporate everything one sees into familiar, Western paradigms or whether to defer to the infinite mysteries of the Orient. As Without Father unfolds, this dilemma quickly becomes redundant. References to … Continue reading