CANNES DIRECTORS’ FORTNIGHT 2012: El Taaib (Le Repenti/The Repentant) (Merzak Alluache)

for desistfilm: Sarah Nichols In thinking over El Taaib (Le Repenti/The Repentant), I find myself coming back, again and again, to the desaturated colors of the Algerian landscape in winter: I’ve always thought of its colors as “hot”: a palette of orange, red, brown. These colors are in the frame, to be sure. But they … Continue reading


per desistfilm: Lea Liotine A guardare Horizon, il film del giovane regista rumeno Paul Negoescu, si individua una difformità netta ma inintellegibile a prima vista. Quello che ci mette a disagio sul finire del cortometraggio, quando i titoli di coda cominciano a fluire in basso, è l’epilogo fantastico, apparentemente fantascientifico che ghermisce il protagonista, il pescatore … Continue reading

CANNES DIRECTORS’ FORTNIGHT 2012: Opération Libertad (Nicolas Wadimoff)

for desistfilm: John A. Riley The central conceit of this film is that a respectable, middle-aged family man was, in his youth, involved with a revolutionary organisation. He acted as their cameraman, documenting their activities. In the present day, he edits the 1970s footage into a coherent narrative, which forms the film we see. The … Continue reading


for desistfilm: Wiwat “Filmsick” Lertwiwatwongsa A grey path leads to nothing but a tilted, half-collapsed house on waste ground. Everything is grey and cold. Police arrive, advising the residents to leave by the last ferry, but there’s no answer from within. Inside the house are Norm and Joe, drinking beer and singing some sad song … Continue reading

CANNES DIRECTORS’ FORTNIGHT 2012:The King of Pigs (Dae gi eui wang) (Yeun Sang-Ho)

for desistfilm: Wiwat “Filmsick” Lertwiwatwongsa Out of the blue, Kyung -Min calls his old school friend Jong -suk. The two haven’t seen each other since graduation. They go for a drink and begin to talk. Throughout the night their conversation reveals a darker part of their life: a history of violence during their youth. Back … Continue reading

Cannes Directors’ Fortnight 2012: The repentant (Merzak Allouache) – SPA

para desistfilm: Mónica Delgado Esta coproducción entre Francia y Algeria es un drama sobre los contornos de la Yihad: un disidente comienza un camino de mea culpa, buscando a las víctimas producto de su “guerra santa”, ayudarlas y pedirles perdón. Un tema algo convulso ya que los personajes no cruzan los caminos del fundamentalismo, sino … Continue reading

COBERTURA JEONJU 2012 – Ex Press (Jet Leyco) (SPA)

para desistfilm: Mónica Delgado. El Festival Internacional de cine de Jeonju (JIFF) es uno de los espacios en Asia más importantes para la difusión del cine independiente y experimental de todo el mundo. Que una cinta como Ex Press del filipino Jet Leyco obtuviera el premio especial del Jurado en su última edición no solo es … Continue reading

JIFF 2012 COVERAGE – Early Spring, Gyeongju (Park In-kyong)

for desistfilm: Blue Un-Sok Kim The city of Gyeongju holds a special place in the collective psyche of the Korean people. As the former capital of the ancient Korean kingdom of Silla, the city is referred to as a “museum without walls”. Unlike most historical treasures of Korea that faced destruction during its turbulent history, … Continue reading

JIFF 2012 CORRISPONDENZA – Ankor Wat di Park Sang-hun (ITA)

per desistfilm: Narda Liotine Il pellegrinaggio presso le rovine di un santuario buddhista non sembra essere una buona idea se nel percorso si fa crollare un monticello di sassolini la cui solidità porterebbe buona sorte. Con questo momento di comicità si apre una storia dalla natura in verità tragica. Si arguisce subito come le interazioni … Continue reading

JIFF 2012 CORRISPONDENZA – The arrival di Sin Yiee-soo (ITA)

per desistfilm: Narda Liotine Una sequenza di scene apparentemente giustapposte: la cucina di un ristorante, un karaoke, una povera camera d’affitto. Il nostro punto di vista, quello dello spettatore è dell’ignoranza, osservando  gli eventi senza conoscerne il nesso, mentre si susseguono uno dopo l’altro. Love will tear us apart. L’amore ci dividerà. Più probabilmente la … Continue reading